Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Post Revolution: The road ahead

As more people, for every realm of society, including doctors, engineers, lawyers, journalists, professors, artists, businessmen, and housewives, make it to the street in protest against the authoritarian government, it is increasingly likely that the government’s days can be counted on fingers. The king is irritatingly silent while the entire nation is under fire. The government is bound to fall to pieces sooner or later, but what remains to be seen is the fate of monarchy. Is it eliminated entirely or remains as a ceremonial institution. Youths clearly would want to go for the former. After the government is uprooted, the new power should take care of the following things.

  • Restore the parliament, or form an interim government. Plan and initiate talks to bring Maoists to the mainstream politics.
  • Announce the elections
  • Set up a commission for investigating atrocities perpetrated during the current revolution. Prosecute the Home Minister, administrative and security officials, army officers on charges of war crimes. No leniency.
  • Eliminate the monarchy, or shrink it to the minimum.
  • Invent a road map for economic, social, and cultural development. This road map would be handed over to the new elected government as an important mandate.
  • Bring the Royal Army under the parliament.

Meanwhile, the brutality of security forces continues. we got to see some utterly horrendous pictures of people beaten up by police.


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